martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

Y Ahora, Empieza

I am setting out to start a blog for the same reason I guess anyone does, because I am really bored and sometimes I like to feel important thinking I am beaming out profound thoughts into the world to a rapt and admiring audience that is “enamored with my voice.”

What goes into a blog?  What makes this worth reading?  I figure that whatever I say will be acceptable as long as I say I’m a “traveler” every now and then, maybe bash modern music on the radio, maybe use some strange slang words that no one has ever heard.  Like “legit.”  And talk about “vintage” things like old clothes and books and posters are so cool.  Maybe say that I feel disenfranchised by the mainstream boxy life.  Ok.  All this is pretty immature, I know.  I like the radio.  I actually do like to travel.  Vintage stuff is cool.  I don’t really use slang well, though my grammar is pretty horrendous and I hear that’s in.  I wouldn’t really know what it was like to feel disenfranchised.  I might even be enfranchised. 

And how often should you write blogs anyway?  I mean, let’s be honest, I am going to be the only one reading this, save for some poor unfortunate soul who finds my “Lonely Island” (I’m going to try and work in band names/song titles whenever possible) through some ill-fated Google search.  I guess it doesn’t matter how often I write then.

So what should it be about?  I’m in South America right now, studying in Peru.   That’s cool.  Also, the beach is cool.  As are animals with funny names, like llamas.  And aardvarks.  You probably haven't even thought about aardvarks for at least five years.  Maybe ten.  I ate this marvelous candy today that is a hexagonal chocolate bar filled with caramel that is so perfectly fluid it makes you feel like you're on a commercial when you eat it.  I’ve eaten four or five in the last two days which is a pretty sissy number to be honest.  The first theme of this blog will be about getting my man on and eating some freaking chocolate.  Everyone likes chocolate.  And by everyone I mean everyone I want to be friends with.  And by chocolate I mean sweet things that have sugar in them.  And by sugar, I mean anything that is sweet, so that could be sugar substitutes which, although cancerous, can sometimes taste mighty fine.  Usually that is not true.  Sugar substitutes are pretty weak.  Real sugar is the best.  And when I implied way back, like five lines ago, that I don’t want to be friends with people who don’t like chocolate, that sounded kind of mean.  We can be friends.  Advanced acquaintances, at the very least. 

And so, after haphazardly messaging my friends to ask them what a good blog site was, I now present my blog, the proudest new virtually insignificant virtual soap box.  I, as the sole audience member, will be modestly interested but will probably quickly move on to wasting time on iTunes and YouTube, feeling a little guilty for not putting in more time to the lonely blog, but not guilty enough to keep reading.

Ah!  But what to name the blog?  Something witty?  Something deep?  Something thought-provoking?  Could always go with my name, followed by a travel verb.  But that is a cop-out.  Something in Spanish...the people will love me...

Welcome to the magic.

Here is a picture of an aardvark, courtesty of National Geographic.  I knew you were still thinking about them...

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